Get in touch

Thanks for taking a stroll around my website. I hope it gave you a useful amount of information and please reach out if you have any more questions.

I am so inspired by and grateful to all the people out in the world who give their time, skills and love to help others live life more fully.

I have been interested in the importance of emotional health for as long as I can remember and been passionate about personal development for over 20 years. In that time I’ve learnt that if we work and give from the heart with self-awareness, we can achieve great things together.

It’s my privilege to support practitioners, teachers, guides, mentors and community leaders who are giving to others, so that they can operate at their best and reach as many people as possible looking for help.

Much love.

Please fill out the form below to request a quote for a project, inquire about a collaboration, book a coaching session or simply say hello.

You can also reach me at